Consumer goods

Convert B2C sales with
3D interactive product experiences

Online that feels real

Boost conversions with an interactive online shopping experience. Showcase your entire product portfolio and let customers interact with your products - try out all the available product options including shapes, colors, materials, and any other accessory. View in 360°, rotate and analyze every detail.

Unique customer experience for consumer goods

Enable co-design to let your customers visually customize products in real time and see pricing changes as they add or remove options. Product variations like shapes, colors, materials, and all other accessories are true to life creating an in-store shopping experience.

Cut costs & drive sales

Save costs on stock and marketing. Creating products on order allows for lower costs in inventory, logistics, and storage. You can track customer behavior and make product updates easily in real time while utilizing high-quality 3D images for marketing or printing.

Error-free orders

Improve connection between sales and manufacturers by showing only possible combinations using product rules.  Any changes the customer makes are instantly reflected visually in the product and in the price. Product configurations and designs with exact pricing can be easily saved, loaded, and shared.

Integrate, automate & quote

Works with any eCommerce platform and any device with a browser. When quotes are built, product and price data are automatically updated through integrations. All quotes created can be sent automatically to third party systems like an ERP or CRM system.

Experience True 3D

Convert more with true, fully-viewable 3D.

true 3d photo


Photo-realistic materials,
textures and color rendering

Rule-based configurator

Handles complex product rules and modular building logic

Room planning

2D floor plans and 3D interior designs

Efficient Integration

Integrate with your existing
eCommerce, CRM and ERP systems

AR, VR & Animations

Bridge the digital and physical world to
provide a real lifelike experience

Configure, Price, Quote

Error-free orders, real time pricing, automated quoting

Our process

3d image phone

Book a demo or contact us to discuss your business needs.


Send your products references: 3D models, CAD, or design files. If you don't have any, we'll create them for you!


We create a personalized demo for your review and feedback.


We integrate the solution and provide you with all the necessary documentation and human support.

"Vividworks has delivered a solution that enables our customers to digitally configure and purchase an assortment that has limitless combinations. Previously is was difficult to showcase to our customers just how many opportunities they had within the assortment - now it is very clear."
by Lassen Logo

Jonas Hansen

eCommerce Manager